Mustang Memo - November 8, 2024

Today we were treated to an incredible Remembrance Day Ceremony by our Grade 2 students. They modelled respect as they stood quietly on the risers at the front of the gym. They sang a beautiful songs about peace and freedom. Students also shared some short poems about what peace means to them.
This year we were fortunate to welcome several guests to our ceremony including Trustee Boymook, Staff Sergeant Major McCarron, and guest speaker, Sailor First Class Wier. Additionally, we were treated to a special musical performance from piper Sjostrom who led the colour guard and special guests in and out of the ceremony as well as a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace after the moment of silence.
We were so very proud of each and every student in our school throughout this event. We asked that all students proceed to the gym in complete silence and then remain silent throughout the program as a sign of respect to the people who served and are still serving in the armed forces. They rose to the occasion! We were in awe as we watched over 660 students enter the gym in total silence without pushing, whispering or acting silly. They showed incredible self-control throughout the entire assembly.
To add to the experience, classes decorated the gymnasium with beautiful artwork. We could not be more proud to lead this amazing community!
We wish you all a peaceful fall break of your own.
Helene Hewitt & Jay Robertson
Principal & Assistant Principal
A place where you belong!
Week of November 11-15 Fall Break - School closed
Week of November 18-22
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Report Cards Coming In November
On November 29, parents and guardians can access report cards through PowerSchool—simply log in to your account and click on the “Report Card” button in the left-hand sidebar.
As in previous years, students will be assessed on a Learner Attributes Scale and Achievement Scale. Some categories have been modified to align with the new curriculum that was introduced this year.
Some outcomes in English Language Arts and Literature (ELAL) and Math will be reported on in each term, while other outcomes will only be assessed once in the year. For example, reading comprehension will be assessed and reported on each term, while the unit on sky science will only be taught and assessed once in the school year.
Report cards are communication tools that represent a snapshot in time of your child's progress on specific outcomes of the curriculum. As with all learning, we expect students to continue to grow and build new skills, knowledge and understandings throughout the year. We hope that the report card provides you with information that will guide further conversation about your child's learning.
If you have any questions about your child's progress, at any time of the year, please contact the teacher directly. Our teachers are able to talk over the phone or they can set up a meeting at a mutually convenient time for all. Your child's success is important to all of us.
Counsellor's Corner
Bullying Awareness Week
November 18th-22nd is bullying awareness week here in Alberta. This year our school’s theme is “Take a Stand, Lend a Hand!” Here are some of the activities we will be doing:
- Miss Julia, our mental health capacity builder, will be coming around to each classroom to do presentations and activities focused on ways to be an upstander and lend a hand when you see bullying happen. At the end of the week we will combine student’s work to create a shared project in the foyer!
- Teachers will explore stories and resources with their classes.
- We will also be exploring the following videos on the morning announcements and exploring these questions in classrooms.
- What is Bullying? What kind of bullying is easier to spot? What kind of bullying is tricker to spot?
- Is it Conflict or Bullying? Bullying is not the same thing as conflict. Can you think of an example of a common conflict kids have at school and they can solve that conflict?
- What to Do About Bullying What would you do if you were being bullied? Who could you go to for help?
- Be an Upstander – Prevent Bullying Have you ever been an Upstander when you saw bullying? How did that feel?
- It Only Takes One What do you think happened before and after this video?
Parent Resources
- How to Help Your Child Stop Bullying Tips and Strategies
- How to Help if Your Child is Being Bullied
- Bullying Helpline: 1-888-456-2323 to get help anonymously in more than 170 languages or find other supports.
- Bullying Helpline Chat: to get help anonymously in English.
Check out these free caregiver education sessions available in November and December!
Building Executive Functioning Skills -Supporting Success in Learning
In these Lunch & Learn webinars, we will review and discuss ways to support the development of your child’s executive skills such as working memory, inhibition, and mental flexibility.
Part 1: The Impact of Executive Functioning
In this session, we will look at what executive functions are, their importance in our daily lives, and how executive skill difficulties may impact our children.
- Date: Monday, December 2, 2024
- Time:12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Target audience: For caregivers of children in grades K-6; for adults only.
Part 2: Supporting Executive Functioning Development
In this session, we will focus on three foundational executive functions and strategies for supporting our children as they grow in their skills.
- Date: Monday, December 9, 2024
- Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Target audience: For caregivers of children in grades K-6; for adults only.
Parenting Teens in the 21st Century - Respectful Limit Setting for Adolescents
In these sessions, we will explore the challenges of being a teenager and the importance of the parent/teen relationship. We will continue to look at ways to increase communication and understanding around healthy boundaries with your teen.
Part 1: Teen Development and Challenges
In this one-hour Lunch & Learn webinar, we will look the challenges of both being and raising a teenager. We will look at some of the unique factors that today’s teens face and how their development in these key years impacts their behaviours and relationships.
- Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
- Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Target audience: For caregivers of youth grades 7-12, for adults only.
Part 2: Parent Responsiveness
In this one-hour Lunch & Learn webinar, we will discuss parenting strategies to promote healthy teenage development with a focus on relationship, communication, and respectful limit setting.
- Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
- Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
- Target audience: For caregivers of youth grades 7-12, for adults only.
Sessions are offered online through the Zoom conferencing application. A link to access the online session will be sent by email to those who have registered for the session. To register, go to:
Mrs. Bashaw and Ms. Mitchell
DCE Counselling Team
Upcoming Parent Meetings - Save the Date!
We are looking forward to our next school council meeting on November 19 @ 6:00 p.m. followed by the Davidson Creek Fundraising Society Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
We will meet in the library to share a few snacks and to talk about important things coming up in the school!
We hope to see you there!
November Break is Here
Time for the kids to sleep in! Don't forget that next week is November break and the school will be closed for the week. If you need help over the week, you can contact EIPS Central Services at 780-464-3477.
Literacy Tips for Parents
Helping your child as they learn to write can feel complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Encourage your child to try out real-life writing tasks to help develop their skills. Here are some practical ways to get your child writing:
- Write a grocery list
- Create a to-do list for weekend activities and chores
- Write an email to a teacher to ask a question about an assignment
- Write a Get Well card or a Thank You card
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Write a review for your favourite restaurant
Making writing authentic to what happens in daily life can help you child grow in expressing themselves or organizing their thoughts. For more writing practice ideas, check out this article.
Read our Guide to Reporting Student Achievement and School Education Plan
The Guide to Reporting Student Achievement (GRSA) and School Education Plan (SEP) for the 2024-25 school year are available now! The GRSA explains how we assess student achievement, how we determine grades and more. The SEP details our school goals for the year—with key strategies and measures in achieving these outcomes. You can access our GRSA and SEP through the two corresponding home page tiles at
Parents Make the Difference
Here is this week's article with helpful tips for families:
Family meetings promote communication and closeness
Family meetings can play a crucial role in supporting learning by creating a structured time for productive communication. Family members can connect, address concerns and have some fun. For successful meetings:
- Meet regularly at a convenient time. For instance, Tuesdays after dinner.
- Keep meetings short—about 30 minutes or less. (But if the family is having fun, don’t stop!)
- Have adults lead meetings. You should make sure rules are followed and have the final say on big decisions.
- Designate someone to take notes at each meeting. This will help everyone remember what was discussed or decided.
- Discuss family news, concerns, goals and successes. Reward accomplishments.
- Give everyone a chance to speak. No one interrupts anyone else. Each person’s opinion deserves respect.
- Don’t use meetings as a time to criticize. Discipline problems should be handled separately.
- Include a fun activity. Play a short game, sing a song or learn a tongue twister.
- Brainstorm ways to improve your Ask family members how they think the meeting went and see if they have any suggestions for improvement.
Reprinted with permission from the November 2024 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2024 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc.