Mustang Memo - January 10, 2025

Welcome back!
While we enjoy a nice break, it sure is fun to see those adorable faces back at school after a holiday!
Thank you for sending us your best little people each and every day.
Helene Hewitt & Jay Robertson
Principal & Assistant Principal
You belong here!
Table of Contents
Week At a Glance
- Kindergarten Registration Starts Soon
- Returning Student Registration for 2025-26
- Help Us with the Drop Off Lane
- Inclement Weather
- 2024-25 School Fees Consultation
- Counsellor's Corner
- Did You Know?
- Parents Make the Difference
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Kindergarten Registration Starts Soon!
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2025? If so, it’s almost time to register for kindergarten.
Kindergarten registration opens for the 2025-26 school year on Feb. 1, 2025.
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Additional information regarding Davidson Creek Elementary’s kindergarten program is available at on our website by clicking here.
Returning Student Registration for 2025-26
The Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) returning student registration process for 2025-26 takes place Feb. 10-24, 2025. Through the online form, all families will confirm the school and program their child will attend next year or advise the Division if they aren’t returning. For students who want to attend a non-designated school next year, these requests must be submitted through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space.
On February 10, the parent/guardian on file in PowerSchool identified as the Permission Click contact for each pre-kindergarten to Grade 11 student will receive an email through Permission Click with a link to the form. If your family hasn’t received any Permission Click forms this school year, contact the school office so we can investigate any technical issues before registration season.
Help Us with the Drop Off Lane
With the cold weather in full effect there is a big increase to the use of the drop off lane. You may have noticed that the lane gets very full and traffic can get backed up quickly. You can help by:
Driving to the farthest spot in the drop off lane
Yes, we know that it is closer to the front door to stop at the start of the lane but it makes it impossible for traffic to flow if we prioritize our personal desire for a shorter walking distance over the greater need of all the parents waiting to drop off kids. Let's work together to make room for the people waiting behind us!
Staying in your vehicle and letting your child walk to and from without you.
You love your child and worry about them getting to the doors on their own, we understand! Don't worry, we have staff walking around outside getting kids to their doors and designated staff supervise at each door. They wait until all students have entered and check the doors after the bell. We also take attendance right away so we will notice if a child is missing.
Every person who gets out of their car to walk their child to the school is stopping the flow of traffic and affecting the cars behind them. If you want to walk in, please park your car in a visitor stall or on the road.
Not parking on Davenport Drive drop off lane corner.
Not only is it dangerous to let your child out in an area without supervision and near so much traffic, it is also holding up all of the cars behind you waiting to turn right into the drop off lane.
Not parking by the stop sign at the exit of the drop off lane.
It is illegal to park within 5 meters of a stop sign. Parked cars by the stop sign create a gridlock by blocking access to the right exit lane. People wanting to turn right have no lane to use and everyone is stopped waiting for the left turn. Please ensure that both exit lanes are usable.
Come with a good mindset.
Plan for 15 extra minutes for pick up and drop off when the volume is higher. If your expectation is that it might take a bit of time, you may not feel as frustrated.
Today the drop off lane was clear and open by 3:28 p.m.! Within 10 minutes of the bell ringing, the lane was empty. Perhaps it feels longer than it is in reality? Mindset is everything!
We believe that DCE parents are kind and respectful. Together, we can make the drop off lane work!
Inclement Weather
With the winter season in full effect, we have a few reminders for families:
- Ensure students have clothing appropriate for expected weather conditions.
- If weather conditions are bad enough to impact student transportation, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) advises families directly, as well as posting on social media and ca as early as possible.
- Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by an EIPS administrative procedure that states, “school bus service may be suspended…when there is a forecast or current temperature of -40 C, including wind chill factor, in one or more regions.”
- Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road conditions.
- When school bus services are suspended, schools remain open to students.
For more information, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.
2025-26 School Fees Consultation
Dear Davidson Creek Elementary families,
Under Alberta Education’s School Fee Regulation, schools must consult with parents prior to setting school fees for the upcoming school year.
Our next school council meeting will be taking place on January 21, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. During that time, I’ll be sharing information about our current fee structure, posing specific questions about priorities, and asking you to provide your feedback as we plan for the 2025-26 school year. While many of these activities and services enhance students’ educational experience, we want to ensure these fees aren’t cost prohibitive for families.
Specifically, we will be asking for input on the following:
- Optional courses and associated fees
- Noon hour supervision
- Field trips and associated fees
- Extracurricular activities
- Non-curricular travel (for example, ski trips and band camps)
- Non-curricular goods and services (for example, student union and yearbooks)
I understand not all families will be available to attend the meeting but it’s still important we get as much input from the school community as possible. Following the meeting, materials will be shared on our website for your review, and an email address provided so you can submit a written response.
School administration will use feedback provided to help determine fees for 2025-26, which will then be shared at the February school council meeting, posted to our website and shared via link through email.
I look forward to hearing from you on January 21.
Helene Hewitt, Principal
Davidson Creek Elementary
EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2023-24: Now available!
EIPS’ Annual Education Results Report 2023-24 is now available online. The report details how EIPS is doing relative to Alberta Education’s performance measures; how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes; and its successes, challenges and priority strategies moving forward. A brief overview of the report is also available.
Counsellor's Corner
Here are some awesome, FREE, upcoming opportunities for learning around mental health and wellness, here in Strathcona County!
AMH Education Sessions Newsletter - Jan Feb 2025
Understanding Anxiety Series
Part 1: An Introduction
This session will distinguish between normal worries and anxiety that is no longer helpful or productive and will help participants to identify signs that they or their child/youth may be experiencing anxiety.
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
For adults supporting their own wellness or the wellness of children and youth.
Part 2: Calming Our Bodies
In this session, we will review how the body reacts to stress triggers, ways we can start to notice the body’s stress responses, and strategies for regulating ourselves, children, and youth.
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
For adults supporting their own wellness or the wellness of children and youth.
Part 3: Settling Our Minds
In this session, we will look at how anxiety can lead to negative thoughts and thinking traps that can hold us back. Strategies for encouraging more realistic thinking will be discussed.
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
For adults supporting their own wellness or the wellness of children and youth.
Part 4: Overcoming Avoidance
In this session, we will discuss how avoidance of stressors can increase our stress response over time. We will discuss ways to manage stressful situations in steps and effective coping skills.
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
For adults supporting their own wellness or the wellness of children andyouth.
Body Image and Eating Disorders
Struggles with self- esteem, body image and weight control are a common concern for both girls and boys. This session will explore some of the reasons behind these struggles, provide information on disordered eating and eating disorders, as well as discuss strategies for supporting teens towards healthier perspectives and habits.
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
For adults, and caregivers of youth grades 7-12; for adults only.
Technology and the Teenage Brain-Digital Wellness for Families
Technology is a huge part of our children’s lives. Come together to discuss how modern technology can impact the developing teenage brain. As we review some of the risks and benefits of technology use, parents and teens will reflect on ways to stay safer and more balanced in their use of technology to better support positive mental health.
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
For caregivers and youth (Grades 7-12) to attend together.
To register for any of these sessions, click HERE
Madison Bashaw & Kelley Mitchell
DCE Counselling Team
Did You Know?
If your child misses just two days a month for any reason for ten of their school years, they’ll have missed the equivalent of one entire year of school. Students who frequently miss school, even as early as kindergarten, are also more likely to have difficulty in school, at post-secondary and in their career. As every family has unique circumstances, EIPS uses a multi-tiered approach to re-engage students with chronic absenteeism. In addition, the Division promotes strategies to support and encourage regular attendance for all students. If you’re concerned about consistent student attendance for your child or youth, contact the school for support. An informative video is also available.
Parents make the difference
Here is this week's article with helpful tips for families:
A mid-year tune-up helps your child recommit to learning
It’s the beginning of a new calendar year—and nearly the halfway point in the school year. Take this opportunity to consider your child’s habits and make needed adjustments.
Ask how your child thinks the school year is going. If you set learning goals together at the start of the year, review them now. Is your child making progress? How can your child make the rest of the school year even better?
Then, help your child make some resolutions. Here are four to consider:
- Recommit to routines. Has your elementary schooler’s bedtime begun to slip? Are mornings more rushed? Is your child’s regular study time now not quite so regular? Sleep and study routines make life easier—and help students perform better in school.
- Spend more time reading. There is no skill that will help your child more in school. And reading ability, like other skills, gets better with practice. Encourage daily reading and let your child read about anything, from sports to favorite movie characters.
- Take more responsibility for learning. Remind your child that to be successful in school, students need to complete assignments on time, participate in classroom discussions and ask for help when they need it.
- Have an optimistic mindset. Positive thinking makes it easier to tackle challenges. To foster positivity, help your child manage stress, visualize a successful outcome and learn from mistakes.
Reprinted with permission from the January 2025 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2025 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc.