Library Learning Commons

Welcome to the Davidson Creek Library Learning Commons

Hello Mustangs!

Welcome back to school and, more specifically, to the library! I hope you all had a great summer and that you kept reading! If you read a really great book over the summer, I would love to hear about it :-). As much as I enjoy telling students about all the great books I've read, I really love to get recommendations from students.

Remember that, in addition to borrowing books from our library, you can also visit the Strathcona County Library. Also, if you need suggestions of what to read next, you can click here to see a list of some of my favourite books. 

I look forward to seeing you in the library this year! Have a great start to the school year!

Mrs. Eng

Research & Information

Instead of wading through thousands of Google search results, why not try the following online resources for research:

If you do use Goggle to search for information, it is a good idea to evaluate your search results. To do this, you can read the Five W's of Web Site Evaluation. Listed below is a summary of the website:

  • WHO wrote the pages and what are their credentials?
  • WHAT is the purpose of the site adn is this stated clearly?
  • WHEN was the site created? When was it last updated?
  • WHERE does the information come from?
  • WHY is this page better than other sites?